News Release
PDSI Names New Director of Plant Innovations
Part of the Southern Living® Expansion
LOXLEY, Ala. March 9, 2007— Plant Development Services Inc. (PDSI) today named Robert E. “Buddy” Lee as Director of Plant Innovations. Lee is an internationally known plant breeder and the creator of Encore Azalea®. He is one of the most respected plant breeders and horticulturalists in North America, with over 30 years’ experience in nursery management, breeding, propagation and new plant development.
The new director is the current president of The Azalea Society of America, past president of the Louisiana Nurseryman’s Association Region III, a member of the International Plant Propagators Society, and the Louisiana Nursery and Landscape Association. Lee is a much sought after horticulture speaker in the areas of plant breeding, propagation and consumer oriented topics.
As Director of New Plant Innovations, Lee will oversee the new plant evaluation process at Plant Development Services, Inc. including all plant evaluations for the Southern Living collection. Growers interested in the program, and plant breeders with potential new cultivars, should contact Plant Development Services, Inc. on the web at
“We are currently in the process of identifying various plants to fill the extensive category needs for the Southern Living collection”, said Jim Van Antwerp, Executive Director of Plant Development Services, Inc., in today’s announcement. “We are pleased to have Buddy Lee on the Plant Development Services, Inc. team, he understands consumer demand for plants that solve real problems in the American landscapes.”
Plant Development Services, Inc. and Southern Living magazine have entered into an exclusive Live Goods Licensing Agreement to develop and market a collection of plants throughout the United States and Canada. This collection will be marketed exclusively under the Southern Living brand.
The Southern Living Collection will feature innovative new plants that solve landscape problems for all consumers. Plant categories in the comprehensive collection will include: shrubs, trees, bedding plants, groundcovers, tropicals, ornamental grasses, seasonals and related green goods.. The collection will be introduced to consumers in the 2008 Spring Season, and will be available via all retail channels throughout the U.S. and Canada.
Plant Development Services, Inc., a leader in horticultural innovation, was founded in 1996 by Greg Smith, after seeing a need for an industry resource that could manage new plant introductions. Of particular interest to Plant Development Services, Inc., according to Smith, are plants with unique performance attributes that can be patented, branded and successfully introduced to the consumer market. Plant Development Services, Inc. owns and/or licenses over 50 patented plant properties, including the number one azalea brand in the world, Encore Azalea®.
Southern Living, is a premier lifestyle and entertaining magazine of the South and the 8th largest monthly consumer magazine in the U.S. (based on readership). It reaches nearly 16 million readers each month and enjoys a circulation of about 2.8 million. Published 12 times a year Southern Living celebrates the heart of Southern life.
Wednesday March 14, 2007