February 16, 2011
LOXLEY, AL—– Just in time for spring garden planning, Plant Development Services, Inc. (PDSI) and Southern Living® are excited to announce the launch of new videos showcasing plant varieties in the Southern Living® Plant Collection, according to Kip McConnell, director of Plant Development Services, Inc.
The videos are live now at www.southernlivingplants.com/video-gallery, and on the Southern Living® Plant Collection Facebook page and You Tube Channel.
“This is an extensive video gallery designed to help home gardeners pick the perfect plants for their landscape,” says McConnell. The video shorts depict Collection varieties planted in natural habitats so gardeners can see the plants as they look growing. They feature plant attributes and uses in the garden, as well as growth and bloom habits.
“Considering the richness of content, these videos are a great source of information on these popular plant varieties,” said McConnell. The plant variety videosare also available to retail garden centers to display in store and on their websites.
The eighteen videos making their debut include these plant varieties from the Southern Living® Plant Collection:
Little Black Magic™ Dwarf Elephant Ear
Jubilation™ Gardenia
Emerald Snow™ Loropetalum
Purple Diamond™ Compact Loropetalum
Purple Pixie™ Weeping Loropetalum
Spring Sonata™ Indian Hawthorne
Rosalinda™ Indian Hawthorne
Mountain Snow™ Pieris
Blush Pink™ Nandina
Flirt™ Nandina
Obsession™ Nandina
Yewtopia™ Plum Yew
3 Cleyeras: Bigfoot™, Bronze Beauty™ and LeAnn™
2 Hollies: Oakland™ and Robin™
Early Bird™ Crapemyrtle
Delta Jazz™ Crapemyrtle
Queen Mum™ Agapanthus
Marc Anthony™ Variegated and Cleopatra™ Liriopes
The Southern Living® Plant Collection, first introduced in Spring 2008, provides gardeners with innovative new plants designed to solve specific landscape challenges and to excel in Southern gardens. Each plant in the collection is the result of years of plant evaluations, plant trials and research.
Spring 2011 new introductions include a variety of new shrubs, heat tolerant rhododendrons and early-blooming crapemyrtles. The Collection is available at garden centers across the South.
For more information, to request sample plants, and to watch the new videos, please visit www.southernlivingplants.com.
A leader in horticultural innovation, Plant Development Services, Inc. was founded in 1996 by Greg Smith after he recognized a need for an industry resource that could manage new plant introductions. Of particular interest to Plant Development Services, Inc. are plants with unique performance attributes that can be patented, branded and successfully introduced to the consumer market. Plant Development Services, Inc. owns and/or licenses more than 100 patented plant properties, including the number one azalea brand in the world, Encore® Azalea. Growers interested in the program and plant breeders with potential new cultivars should contact Plant Development Services, Inc. on the web at www.plantdevelopment.com.
Southern Living® is a premier lifestyle and entertaining magazine of the South and the 6th largest consumer magazine in the U.S. (based on readership). It reaches nearly 16 million readers each month and enjoys a circulation of about 2.8 million. Published 12 times a year, Southern Living® celebrates the heart of Southern life.