We Bring Your Plants To Market

Southern Living Plant Collection to Include Bulbs in Fall 2008


LOXLEY, AL — Plant Development Services, Inc. (PDSI) and Southern Living® are excited to announce the addition of the Southern Bulb Company’s bulbs to the Southern Living Plant Collection!

Three exciting bulbs from the Southern Bulb Company will be introduced in the Southern Living Plant Collection this fall: Narcissus tazetta ‘Grand Primo,’ Narcissus tazetta ‘Golden Dawn’ and Leucojum aestivum Snowflakes.

These special bulbs grew in Southern soils generations ago, are uniquely suited for warm climates, and require virtually no maintenance.

Treasured for its long lasting blooms and robust foliage, the Grand Primo multiplies year after year and offers a pleasantly sweet fragrance without the overpowering muskiness of paper whites. ‘Golden Dawn’ is a must have daffodil, producing 2-3 sweet smelling flower stalks per bulb year after year. Termed ‘Snowflakes’ by the gardening public, the Leucojum aestivum is by far one of the most adaptable bulbs ever offered in the South.

For more information about the growth habits of these varieties, please visit www.southernlivingplants.com

The Southern Living Plant Collection, first introduced in spring 2008, provides consumers with innovative new plants designed to solve specific landscape challenges. Each plant in the collection is the result of years of plant evaluations, plant trials and consumer research. The Collection is available through retail garden centers across the Southeast.

Among the new items expected for spring 2009 are Yewtopia™ Plum Yew and Emerald Snow™ Loropetalum. In upcoming seasons, plant categories in the Southern Living Plant Collection will expand to include trees, bedding plants, groundcovers, tropical plants, ornamental grasses, seasonal plants, flowers, and related green goods.  

Retailers seeking a licensed wholesale grower for these products should visit www.southernlivingplants.com

Growers interested in the program and plant breeders with potential new cultivars should contact PDSI on the web at www.plantdevelopment.com.

Plant Development Services, Inc., a leader in horticultural innovation, was founded in 1996 by Greg Smith, after he recognized a need for an industry resource that could manage new plant introductions. Of particular interest to Plant Development Services, Inc. are plants with unique performance attributes that can be patented, branded and successfully introduced to the consumer market. Plant Development Services, Inc. owns and/or licenses more than 50 patented plant properties, including the number one azalea brand in the world, Encore Azalea®.
Southern Living® is a premier lifestyle and entertaining magazine of the South and the 8th largest monthly consumer magazine in the U.S. (based on readership). It reaches nearly 16 million readers each month and enjoys a circulation of about 2.8 million. Published 12 times a year Southern Living® celebrates the heart of Southern life.


Friday August 8, 2008